Last week an elder passed away in the village. Her passing was very sudden and shocking. She was one of the elders I worked with this past summer. She told me the legend of the "Big Mouth Baby". She came everyday and was a delight to talk too. And it turns out, she was related to a majority of my friends in Akiak.
I found out that she was truly an incredible lady. Her name was Mary Phillip. She was a nurse (I believe one of Akiak's first) and she met Elvis at one point. She had a huge family and she was known for loving to cut fish.
Her funeral was very sad. I wanted to go and pay my respects.
I really wish I hadn't totally embarrassed myself.
I didn't mean too. I sat in the back next to some ladies I knew and they asked me if I wanted to sit up front with them. I said sure and we made our way to the front of the church. To the pews next to the preacher. Most of the service was in Yup'ik, which I didn't understand, but it was still a nice service.
And then came the part where the mixed choir sings. And everyone in my section stood up. I stood up too, thinking I could at least say the words and figure it out. And this is what I see:
Numamek itlualriartangkertukguk
Tangvagarputtlu ukfamtigun
Atavuttlu nutim tuantlune,
Nunakarputtlu takumaria
Ilene, tayima kuyurtarkaugukut
Ilene, tayima tsuikerane
Yuarutniktlu aturtsikukut
Tamarming nanrautkartlainarnik;
Tuane umyuartluk plugarkauguk;
Atamtinun pakmanilingurmun
Nanrautput tsumekanernauput;
Kinka Taititlra pitatikluku
Atauwhakautaitlu whangkutnun.
Now before anyone goes judging me, wondering why I just didn't sound it out, let me give you a quick Yup'ik lesson: Yup'ik does not use the English alphabet, oh no, it uses the Russian a p makes a b sound, a t makes a d sound, a c makes a j sound, a k makes a g sound....I can go on, but I think you now understand that when I read the lyrics for Sweet By and By, I panicked.
Not to mention I was the only non-Yup'ik person in the mixed choir. I looked at the woman next to me and asked, "Do I have to sing?" And I didn't want to cause a scene at this dear lady's service. The woman looks at me with a smile that only means "Uh huh."
Oh noooooooo......The song begins and at this point, I'm just keeping my head down and trying not to bring too much attention to myself. I noticed another lady wasn't singing, so I didn't really try. It was actually a pretty song. I was just so glad when it was over. I really hope I didn't offend anyone.
The next day was a Movie Night held at the school sponsored by the Drama Club....My drama club. I guess you can say I'm the coach. It's not a class and they aren't being graded, so I'm not really a drama teacher. We had a movie for older kids (I won't say which movie in case anyone tries to sue me) and it was a big hit. The kids were so helpful and behaved themselves beautifully. I think everyone had a really good time (and it was a good movie too!)
Dakota and I spent most of last week at my friend's the Millers. (They said I could use their name). It was a K-Pup weekend. Meaning the traveling speech and language guy was in town and we get together and play games, watch movies, basically, it's an event. He comes once a month, so it's something to look forward too. I stayed up way too late but had a good time. I'm so glad the Millers adore Dakota and let me bring him.
There was a love triangle though. Their daughter N, had gotten a husky puppy that she was going to train to be a sled dog. She's really cute. Well, you know how well Lulu and Dakota get along. Dakota also hit it off with the husky pup, but she's not supposed to be in the house very much as part of her training, so she came in, she and Dakota played.....and Lulu felt left out.
She then was snappy with Dakota when he tried to play with her. Now, in Lulu's defense, Dakota did wait until the other pup was put back before he sought Lulu's attention.....big mistake Dakota. Typical male! She was quite put out with him.....and I don't really blame her!
Dakota makes me laugh! I took him out today for his walk and he was content to just explore our complex....and he discovered the puddles had all iced over. So what better idea than to "dig up" the puddles! He dug and dug and when he had a great pile of mud...oh yes, he laid on it, brushed his face on the pile and then dug some more! He was so covered in mud by the end of it, he looked like he had all black fur! He enjoyed every minute of it! The same cannot be said of his bath afterwards, however!
Yesterday, he was having so much fun running around. He really loves the snow & cold weather. It's fun to see him in action. We were supposed to be playing Catch, but he turned it into Keep Away. I'd go to grab the ball and he'd move his head or jerk away....sometimes he'd just flop himself the other direction....he's so stinkin' smart.
I did wonder though, his footprints are so much bigger than the other dog's footprints, I wonder if his prints will freak people out and they'll think there's a wolf in Akiak.......that's all I need!!!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Dakota's Adventure.....
So this last week.....sigh....
Well, I've written how Dakota was sick and on meds....but he wasn't getting any better. In fact, he just kept getting sicker and sicker....he was looking really skinny. Since his energy was still pretty high, I wasn't too worried. I kept calling the vet and they just told me to keep him on a bland diet. So I was cooking him rice & chicken. I was trying everything.
On Thursday and Friday, we didn't have school. It was two days of inservice. Thursday morning I woke up and Dakota had gotten sick all over the front of my house. He was listless and wanted to cuddle. He was in bad shape.....
So I made a few calls, jumped on a plane, and flew him to Anchorage of course. After some tests, fluids, and 4 different meds......they still didn't know what was wrong. They suspected either a parasite or a bacterial they are treating everything. I had to stay overnight in Anchorage and I came back with him on Friday.
And he's better....
It actually wasn't that much of a hassle.....I explained I had a pet emergency and I was able to get a bush plane and a flight from Bethel to Anchorage. And I was able to get a hotel room at the last place I stayed at with my friend Michelle. I didn't do any shopping while in Anchorage. I was just worried about Dakota.
I completely broke down on the flight to Anchorage. For someone who hates showing emotion in public, I seem to have issues in airplanes and airports. I just felt I had to prepare myself for bad news.
I'm glad to have been wrong about that. I know it may sound funny to some people, me jumping on a plane with my puppy....but I felt that I had to do everything in my power to take care of him.
One funny thing was that when I jumped on the bush plane, some people thought I was sick and the plane was for me....okay, it was only funny cause it wasn't true.
And now my boy is back to being his fluffy, grab you by the pant leg and drag you across the floor self again. He's put on weight and looking good.
I hadn't been crating him during the day cause he was sick....and the other day I came home to find he shredded his pee pads (used - ewwww!) and peed on his dog he's back to being crated during the day....
So that was my adventure last week. Life out here is certainly an adventure....throw in a giant malamute and we're set.
Well, I've written how Dakota was sick and on meds....but he wasn't getting any better. In fact, he just kept getting sicker and sicker....he was looking really skinny. Since his energy was still pretty high, I wasn't too worried. I kept calling the vet and they just told me to keep him on a bland diet. So I was cooking him rice & chicken. I was trying everything.
On Thursday and Friday, we didn't have school. It was two days of inservice. Thursday morning I woke up and Dakota had gotten sick all over the front of my house. He was listless and wanted to cuddle. He was in bad shape.....
So I made a few calls, jumped on a plane, and flew him to Anchorage of course. After some tests, fluids, and 4 different meds......they still didn't know what was wrong. They suspected either a parasite or a bacterial they are treating everything. I had to stay overnight in Anchorage and I came back with him on Friday.
And he's better....
It actually wasn't that much of a hassle.....I explained I had a pet emergency and I was able to get a bush plane and a flight from Bethel to Anchorage. And I was able to get a hotel room at the last place I stayed at with my friend Michelle. I didn't do any shopping while in Anchorage. I was just worried about Dakota.
I completely broke down on the flight to Anchorage. For someone who hates showing emotion in public, I seem to have issues in airplanes and airports. I just felt I had to prepare myself for bad news.
I'm glad to have been wrong about that. I know it may sound funny to some people, me jumping on a plane with my puppy....but I felt that I had to do everything in my power to take care of him.
One funny thing was that when I jumped on the bush plane, some people thought I was sick and the plane was for me....okay, it was only funny cause it wasn't true.
And now my boy is back to being his fluffy, grab you by the pant leg and drag you across the floor self again. He's put on weight and looking good.
I hadn't been crating him during the day cause he was sick....and the other day I came home to find he shredded his pee pads (used - ewwww!) and peed on his dog he's back to being crated during the day....
So that was my adventure last week. Life out here is certainly an adventure....throw in a giant malamute and we're set.
Dakota after his ordeal.... |
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Reflections......from a chew toy....
that would be me!
Dakota is sick right now. He had really bad tummy trouble and is now on a bland diet. I hope it helps.....I hate him being sick and I can't do anything about it.
My friend MM writes a blog and she wrote a blog entry about our trip....and her blog has a lot more pictures than mine. So if you'd like to check out MM's blog to read about your's truly, then click here. I should warn you that most pictures of me aren't so pretty. There's several on there I'd like to never see again.....but whatever! :)
Dakota is still learning and we've been having fun. He doesn't act like he's sick.....In fact, he's learned how to jump, and how to first he would get bored and walk away with me saying "Sit! Sit!" then pushing his butt down, but yesterday, he sat!!!
He really is a good puppy. He's better behaved than most puppies I've had. Of course, I can do without the humping.....luckily for me, it's on my blanket and not my leg....unlike my dear friend OM.....Dakota just loves your leg!
Dakota had a growth spurt since Anchorage....and his ears have straightened out. They don't fold over anymore. Which makes me kinda sad, cause he doesn't look like a baby anymore. He is officially 12 weeks old now. So he really is a baby.
I walk home every day at lunch to let him out of his crate for a few minutes. It's been getting colder and this morning there was frost on the ground where the sun hadn't melted it away still when I walked home. It's dark when I leave for work at 8 in the morning now too. Winter is coming...
And personally, I'm looking forward to it. I have a new parka and new boots to wear this year. I'll look great walking Dakota around.
I know that my life is really all about Dakota right now.....but he's already opened doors for me and brought me new experiences. We go on walks and kids ride by and shout hello to me and hello to Dakota. Kids see him out and they come running. And he loves people, especially kids! I used to make it a point to go walking around last year....every so often. And now, I'm out so much more. He makes life more fun.
I really wish the cats agreed with me on that one though. Lola plays with him.....she bats him every time he walks by....Daisy runs from him....
Okay, the cat thing isn't going as well as I hoped.
I made a video of Dakota pictures.....and I am proud to say, "See? I wasn't a crazy cat lady, I am a crazy pet lady!!!"
Dakota is sick right now. He had really bad tummy trouble and is now on a bland diet. I hope it helps.....I hate him being sick and I can't do anything about it.
My friend MM writes a blog and she wrote a blog entry about our trip....and her blog has a lot more pictures than mine. So if you'd like to check out MM's blog to read about your's truly, then click here. I should warn you that most pictures of me aren't so pretty. There's several on there I'd like to never see again.....but whatever! :)
Dakota is still learning and we've been having fun. He doesn't act like he's sick.....In fact, he's learned how to jump, and how to first he would get bored and walk away with me saying "Sit! Sit!" then pushing his butt down, but yesterday, he sat!!!
He really is a good puppy. He's better behaved than most puppies I've had. Of course, I can do without the humping.....luckily for me, it's on my blanket and not my leg....unlike my dear friend OM.....Dakota just loves your leg!
Dakota had a growth spurt since Anchorage....and his ears have straightened out. They don't fold over anymore. Which makes me kinda sad, cause he doesn't look like a baby anymore. He is officially 12 weeks old now. So he really is a baby.
I walk home every day at lunch to let him out of his crate for a few minutes. It's been getting colder and this morning there was frost on the ground where the sun hadn't melted it away still when I walked home. It's dark when I leave for work at 8 in the morning now too. Winter is coming...
And personally, I'm looking forward to it. I have a new parka and new boots to wear this year. I'll look great walking Dakota around.
I know that my life is really all about Dakota right now.....but he's already opened doors for me and brought me new experiences. We go on walks and kids ride by and shout hello to me and hello to Dakota. Kids see him out and they come running. And he loves people, especially kids! I used to make it a point to go walking around last year....every so often. And now, I'm out so much more. He makes life more fun.
I really wish the cats agreed with me on that one though. Lola plays with him.....she bats him every time he walks by....Daisy runs from him....
Okay, the cat thing isn't going as well as I hoped.
I made a video of Dakota pictures.....and I am proud to say, "See? I wasn't a crazy cat lady, I am a crazy pet lady!!!"
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Dakota Takes on Anchorage
Sorry for the late posting. I've been meaning to write, but I've been very tired.
This last weekend, Dakota, myself, and my friend MM, went to Anchorage to pick up her new puppy, Lulu (I suggested the name!!). I was taking Dakota to the vet and he had already outgrown his crate and I was wanting to see how he would fit in some bigger ones. Plus, I really, really wanted to get him some nail clippers.....okay, I wanted someone to do it for me!
Except for Dakota's screaming when he was in his crate, everything went fine on the way over. Dakota is totally paper trained and I had thought he figured out that he could also use the bathroom outside. Boy, I was wrong.
Just so you know, in my defense, I kept Dakota outside as much as possible. And I gave him 20-30 minutes outside before I had to bring him into the terminal at the Ted Stevens International Airport to go pick up Lulu. And each time I brought him in the terminal, he'd go to the bathroom. 4 TIMES!!!! A maintenance worker walked by and said, "You know there are pet parks outside....".....Yes, I do know....I just spent almost an hour there!!! I keep saying this, but because Dakota is so big, it's easy to forget how young he is. If he were any other puppy, I'd be carrying him.
That's not to say I didn't carry my 24 pound 11 week old puppy around. See, we couldn't find where we were supposed to pick up Lulu. So we kept walking back and forth. At one point, we were in a hurry, so I picked him up and carried him. Then we found out we were in the wrong building! So we hustled to the rent a car place and I rented a SUV. When we went to leave (right after Dakota's 4th time relieving himself btw) and Dakota wouldn't move. He was laying down and he wouldn't get back up. He was so tired. So I picked him up and carried him to the car. After that, he seemed okay. We picked up Lulu and all worked out.
Too bad for Dakota, our next stop was the vet's office. My poor boy was so DONE that he hid under the bench and growled at every dog. The only one he was okay with was Lulu. He laid down during his examination and tried to take a nap. We went right back to the hotel so the "mommies" could go shopping.
The next day was a group trip to PetSmart. Where both Lulu and Dakota were brushed and had their nails trimmed. Lulu came out wearing a bow and Dakota a Halloween bandana. I bought an XL sized wire pen for Dakota that took up the back seat and the trunk. Let's just say I was glad I rented a SUV!! MM got busted with her PetCo bags while the PetSmart guys were loading the pen. Haha! I was glad I had already taken mine to my hotel room!
And now for Lulu.......ah, Lulu......Lulu and Dakota....are very unlikely playmates. Lulu is one week older than Dakota.....but Lulu is a 1.1 pound Yorkie......and Dakota....well, he's freakin' huge!
This last weekend, Dakota, myself, and my friend MM, went to Anchorage to pick up her new puppy, Lulu (I suggested the name!!). I was taking Dakota to the vet and he had already outgrown his crate and I was wanting to see how he would fit in some bigger ones. Plus, I really, really wanted to get him some nail clippers.....okay, I wanted someone to do it for me!
Except for Dakota's screaming when he was in his crate, everything went fine on the way over. Dakota is totally paper trained and I had thought he figured out that he could also use the bathroom outside. Boy, I was wrong.
Just so you know, in my defense, I kept Dakota outside as much as possible. And I gave him 20-30 minutes outside before I had to bring him into the terminal at the Ted Stevens International Airport to go pick up Lulu. And each time I brought him in the terminal, he'd go to the bathroom. 4 TIMES!!!! A maintenance worker walked by and said, "You know there are pet parks outside....".....Yes, I do know....I just spent almost an hour there!!! I keep saying this, but because Dakota is so big, it's easy to forget how young he is. If he were any other puppy, I'd be carrying him.
That's not to say I didn't carry my 24 pound 11 week old puppy around. See, we couldn't find where we were supposed to pick up Lulu. So we kept walking back and forth. At one point, we were in a hurry, so I picked him up and carried him. Then we found out we were in the wrong building! So we hustled to the rent a car place and I rented a SUV. When we went to leave (right after Dakota's 4th time relieving himself btw) and Dakota wouldn't move. He was laying down and he wouldn't get back up. He was so tired. So I picked him up and carried him to the car. After that, he seemed okay. We picked up Lulu and all worked out.
Too bad for Dakota, our next stop was the vet's office. My poor boy was so DONE that he hid under the bench and growled at every dog. The only one he was okay with was Lulu. He laid down during his examination and tried to take a nap. We went right back to the hotel so the "mommies" could go shopping.
The next day was a group trip to PetSmart. Where both Lulu and Dakota were brushed and had their nails trimmed. Lulu came out wearing a bow and Dakota a Halloween bandana. I bought an XL sized wire pen for Dakota that took up the back seat and the trunk. Let's just say I was glad I rented a SUV!! MM got busted with her PetCo bags while the PetSmart guys were loading the pen. Haha! I was glad I had already taken mine to my hotel room!
And now for Lulu.......ah, Lulu......Lulu and Dakota....are very unlikely playmates. Lulu is one week older than Dakota.....but Lulu is a 1.1 pound Yorkie......and Dakota....well, he's freakin' huge!
Lulu and Dakota |
Lulu was the boss of Dakota! They were so funny playing together. Lulu would try to nip at Dakota but I doubt he could feel her. We were watching them so carefully but they were fine. Lulu would get tired of playing and want to be rescued. But when Dakota was napping, she'd go and wake him up to play.
Dakota learned to sleep on a bed. I think he was watching Lulu. I was hoping he'd take the lesson to heart but he only did that in far. He also learned to wake up around 3:30 to play. That lesson I'm not so happy about! I'm really hoping to change that back to him sleeping through the night.
I've never been around a puppy so small as Lulu and one so big as Dakota. It was the funniest thing. I got used to holding a puppy so tiny....thank goodness!
Lulu - not much taller than the bottle! |
It was a busy weekend and I didn't get much sleep what with the puppies and both MM and I were sick with bad colds. I was hoping to catch up on my sleep once I got back home. But my cat decided to start playing with Dakota...which is great but they play late at night.....and in the middle of the night. So it's not much sleep for me!
I think Dakota and Lulu missed each other. I brought him to MM's house and they raced around the house, playing with each other. The other pets in Lulu's house aren't especially keen on Lulu yet. And Dakota does love having a playmate.
Life with Dakota is 10 times more interesting.....and fun!
My Dakota |
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