I brought Dakota to California to meet my family and to meet my vet in Benicia. Dakota seemed to have a good time (despite his snippy snippy surgery), he got to play with puppies, cats, and my niece. He really got along with my brother's (Ethan) dog, Brock. Brock plays rough but Dakota could handle him. I had a wonderful time seeing my niece and my other family members (Hi Grandpa Joe!!).
Traveling with Dakota was not a joy. That wasn't his fault though, we had a nine hour layover in Seattle and that was not fun. After 22 hours of no sleep, I truly was Sleepless in Seattle. The way back was a bit easier, with not as long layovers. I was able to leave his kennel in the baggage area while I walked him. So that was nice.
I would like to say that I had a great trip visiting California, but I can't really say that. My aunt had passed away and my mother has had a very difficult time dealing with her sister's passing. I decided to spend my time with my mother and try to help her instead of spending time with my friends.
And that's when I discovered that I really don't have the calling to be a counselor or a therapist. I'm a teacher of small kids......and that's where I think I shall stay!
When I returned home, the drain pipes in my house froze. So I went 4 days without being able to use my water. That was VERY annoying. I'm lucky I have such great friends (the Millers) who let me use their shower during that time. And it was -30 degrees with a wind chill of -60 when I came back. It was so cold. It's hard to describe what that kind of cold feels like. But it made me want to swear, it was THAT cold.
I was not to have a very relaxing break it seemed.
But school started again and I found myself getting back into the normal routine. With one major difference, I am teaching math again. The 3rd - 12th grade will be starting a new reading program and so I took back the 2nd grade math. To be honest, I have missed teaching math.
And I was getting sick of people telling me I was teaching to my strength. I'm actually a good math teacher. I love teaching math! But I don't think people understood the reason I chose to teach two reading grades. I had made a joke. I wasn't enjoying the math program last year so I told the 3rd grade teacher I would take his reading if he took my math. Well, I got the hang of the math program when it was suggested that the switch could really happen. I thought it would be a good chance to work with my class from last year. So I said yes. It wasn't because I hated math at all.
I am glad to be back and glad to be back to my routine. Now it's just me teaching and living with my two cats, one large puppy, and me.
Speaking of that puppy.....he's 70 pounds now. My mother just kept saying "He's just so big." He's a HUGE puppy.....I really do forget...he's 6 months now.
He got in BIG trouble today. I don't have him on his leash much because he's really good about following directions. Well, today I took him out as I was taking out the trash and I heard gunfire. I couldn't tell exactly where it was coming from but it sounded close. Now, had I known it was my teacher's spouses shooting way across the river, and the sound was just carrying, I would not have gotten nervous. But I didn't so I called Dakota to come....."into the house"....which he darn well knows what that means....
It DID NOT mean to run to the Miller's house. Which is what he did. I ran to the house to grab his leash and I followed him. He had stopped at the end of the path to make sure I was following, then he took off the rest of the way. After falling several times in the deep snow, (I never use that path anymore - thank you very much Dakota!) I made it to the Miller house where he was at their door, scratching on it. I could still hear the gunfire but now I knew it was farther away than I first thought. YES! I went after my dog when I heard gunfire! Bad choice, I know. But I went off of my gut.
People have wondered how I was ever going to manage Dakota. Well, I have to maintain my alpha status. I am the boss. So I put him into a submissive position in the snow and told him "I'm alpha!" Then I wouldn't let him play or see any of the Miller kids. I walked him back on a short leash right next to me. Then I put him in the sub position again before we went into the house. It took a bit before he stopped sulking and wanted to play. But I wasn't violent or shouting at him. I was plenty mad though. In fact, it was -13 degrees and I didn't feel the cold one little bit....
But now he'll have to go out with a leash for a while. I figured he'd test me on that. The dog book I read said he would. He's out of his puppiness at 8 months old. I have two more months of him being a puppy before he hits adolescence. Then he will really start challenging me. I read that he's coming to the age where most dogs get sent to shelters and abandoned. He'll be really annoying for the next couple of years. Sigh, remind me of that on days like today, will you?
Today I had a discussion with my friend about the water here. Apparently, there are some not so good levels of arsenic and mag....something. Which is not good for you. I think I am going to invest in a water distiller. A distiller boils the water then collects the steam. It gets rid of any bacteria or harmful minerals. I use filtered water, but I guess some stuff still gets through. I'm wondering if that maybe the cause some of Dakota's tummy trouble. He's still on medicine to help that out, but I've seen no change.
My other recent discovery has been an electric blanket. Oh that makes bedtime so much nicer! Dakota gets his cold room (okay - I LOVE it cold too....I love the air around me being cold but me being snug under my blankets) and the cats and I cuddle up together. Lola will even snuggle with me under the blankets.
Dakota does not sleep with me. But he did try napping with me this morning. That was a first. I don't mind him wanting to sleep on the bed but he gets too hot.
So that brings my adventures up to date. Here are some pics of the last few weeks! Enjoy!
Dakota in Akiak before we left |
Dakota's 9 hour layover in Seattle |
Dakota enjoying grass in California |
A worn-out "dirted up" puppy! |
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Kisses from my niece! |
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Sigh....it's good to be home again! |