Friday, August 27, 2010

Careful Where You Jump.....

So I was walking to the school one night when I came across two of my students playing nearby. We were excited to say hello and they asked me where I was going & if they could "follow" me. I said sure and they went trailing me down this path.

This path is actually pretty cool. It's very woody & bushy. Along the path grow high bush cranberries and even raspberries. It's very dense and lush....overall a great walk to work.

So my students are following me when I hear one of my students say, "This is where I saw the guns."


I turn around, "What did you see?"

Student, "Nothing."

So I keep walking, and listening.

Up the path, the student says, "I saw them right here."

I turn again, "You saw guns here?" I'm panicked because I'm not quite sure who I tell about this....there's no 911. I'm going through my list of who to contact, but my first concern is to keep those kids from touching those guns....

Student 2 says, "They're not real Miss Ruark. They're blue and yellow."

Yeah, sure. I'll just hang around just to see.

Student 1 says, "They're right here." And he disappears into this massive bush.


Where he holds up a 3 foot long bright blue Nerf gun. It was half his size. And he pulls out a second smaller Nerf gun.

Student 2 says, "Hey! That's my brothers!"

Student 1 says, "That's okay, we're just borrowing them."

They proceed to play. I tell them I'll see them later.

"No Miss Ruark, we're following you!"

Oh yeah, that's right.


NOTE TO SELF: stop jumping to conclusions


Erin said...

Oh my goodness...well, considering where we live I think we'd all jump to that conclusion...

Anonymous said...

Hahaha!! Awesome! I would have totally jumped to the same conclusion too!! :) <3 Jnett

Full Circle

Ten years ago, I left for an adventure teaching in rural Alaska. I stayed for 3 years. I experienced complete isolation, a completely new wa...