Just when I think Alaska can't get anymore beautiful....something like Monday happens. It's a freezing fog...which to mean sounds weird but the effect is gorgeous! The trees were frosted white. Everywhere you looked was white. And in the dark when the light hit the snow, it would sparkle like hundreds of diamonds glittering everywhere.
There's no paintbrush quite like Mother Nature's.
I went out to take pictures. It was -1 degrees but I found my new coat quite warm...(I took that picture)
I went out again at dusk to try to capture the sparkling snow. But my camera started freezing up and the pics all came out blurry. Which is disappointing since there are events that I wanted to capture that happen in freezing weather....like the dog race on the river (Akiak Dash).
I went in after a bit because...well, it was freakin' cold.
An hour later (-2 degrees) there's pounding at my door.
Two girls had found a chihuahua mix puppy starving and freezing in the snow. Could I take the puppy & find it's owners?
She was a tiny little thing.....and very sweet.
My roommate fell in love with the puppy. I liked her but she didn't feel like my dog. It may sound weird but I just felt that she wasn't meant for me. Now, I had no problem with my roommate keeping her, if that's what she wanted. I would help out but I personally wasn't ready to train up a puppy by myself while working full time and keeping two cats.
The next two days brought some decisions. Not only did both us realize how much work a puppy was, we also found that the puppy had owners.
So yesterday, I went to give the puppy back. And that's when I found out that some people here dump their dogs out in the snow hoping some teacher (or other kind hearted person) will take them in. I showed the puppy around and everyone said who the owner's were. I stood on their porch for 10 to 15 minutes knocking on the door. I could hear the people inside and I could hear them talking about me on their porch. I could only think "If you think I'm going to walk away, you are crazy." Finally, one of the kids came home and they had to open the door. When they did they told me that the puppy wasn't theirs.
I wanted to believe them, but the puppy tried going into their mudroom where this other dog was. The dog seemed to know the puppy too. Plus, later I heard that the puppy was seen being chased away from the same direction as the house.
In truth, an unwanted puppy is pretty much destined to die. Most puppies get shot. Which is actually the less crueler option. A puppy left on her own will most likely die.
So, what happened to the puppy in my arms? Well, I chased down another lead...which led to nowhere....I was asked if I was sure it was a girl puppy. To which I responded, "Well, all the parts are in the right place."
During the course of my chasing down the 2nd lead, I had stopped by my friend/co-worker Mr. O. You might remember Mr. O is the very same person who took Captain...the first puppy I found. Well, my second lead had to be via cell phone & I didn't have the number. I visited and had dinner while the puppy played with the other dogs (they have since rescued another puppy too...which gives them a total of 3 dogs). By the time I found out that my 2nd lead had gone dry and put it together that she did belong to the first house, Mr. O's family was totally charmed by this puppy. They agreed to take her for the night while we figured out our next move.
So her status: looking for owner/new home
They've named her Nala. And asked me not to bring over any more puppies.
And I am officially hanging up my puppy rescuing hat.....I can't save them all here.....there's too many left to die or will end up getting shot. And there's no shelter I can put them. I don't know if I will be strong enough to turn away a puppy I find on my own, but I can tell the next set of girls to check another house. (I've already got 3 houses picked out. shhhhhh.....)
On another note: I've gotten my first Alaskan blizzard warning. I'm kinda nervous but excited at the same time. I've never been in a blizzard before!!! I hope I don't have to walk to work in one though....I imagine that would suck.
That's so sad about the dogs! Is there anyway you can put them on craigslist or something like that? Maybe you could petition for some sort of shelter up there? Poor doggies :(
Ok I know this is an old post.. but just read it...and well I still stand by the NO MORE PUPPIES! We unfortunately lost one this last week.. and Miss Nala went back to her original owners (the kids missed her) but she visits with us every day while everyone is at work and school...I guess that makes us a doggy day care...who knew something so California would be here in Akiak LOL!
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