Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Hodge Podge of Information......

Wow....this has been an interesting week! Here's the scoop:


So, someone said some not so nice things about me and there's been some fall out. But the nice thing is that most people don't seem to believe what was said about me or they just don't care.

As much as I love it here, there are some things I don't immature people who find the need to be negative. But the people I choose to surround myself with are nothing like this. And because of their support and friendship, I am back to being my cheery self again.


Remember that guy who was supposed to lift my house? He said it would take six weeks.....well, he worked on the house a little bit....enough for him to raise the house maybe a couple of inches....enough to get my bedroom door stuck to where I can't open it all the way and have to slam it shut....

Well, he finally came back after being gone for months! And no, he hasn't started working on my house yet....but he's working on the one across the road...and they say when they walk on one side of the house, they can feel it tilting & swaying. The guy tells me he'll start working on my house next month....yay.....

The moral of the story??? Don't just accept the lowest bid and make sure you put end dates on your contracts.....a lesson we can all learn really....


I am in a great mood today!! A fantastic mood! Perhaps my coffeehouse guy has something to do with it......he's ever so dreamy. And we are still in the coffeehouse, but what a cup of coffee!!!


So if you are going to get head lice....might I recommend my method? The trick is to start getting nits, and not realize it. Then you dye your hair effectively killing anything in your hair. And then you don't find out until the day after you dye your hair. Then you just take care of all your clothes, bedding, & hair stuff. (Extreme heat or cold ~ a dryer for 30 minutes will do the trick)

And voila! You're done!

I'm not sure how I got roommate had a bad case of it the same day, so I most likely got it from my roommate.


So I discovered a new product that was my big experiment this week to see how it works. One of the problems living out here in the bush is if you run out of something, you can't just run down to the store to grab exactly what you want.

So this is a blurb about feminine hygiene products (So stop reading now if this is Too Much Information or TMI for you). Because when you run out - it's not good. Especially if you have a particular brand.

So I found this brand when I was reading an article about TSA stopping a woman because she was wearing a reusable feminine hygiene product in an airport. I was curious what kind of a product could do that.....and I stared reading about the products on their website. And I thought about how great it would be to never run out and to help out the environment at the same time. I mean, c'mon, in California, I drove a really, this is right up my alley. And I figured out that the initial cost of the products would be the same for a year's supply.

And I have to say, so far I am impressed. I would recommend them. So if you are interested in alternative products for YOUR time of the month....please check out their products. I'm gonna try to the add a link to my page.


I was watching the tv show on the Discover Channel: Flying Wild Alaska about bush pilots. Now, I've mention Renfro on my site, but I have also flown with the airline Era which is what the show is about. They have regular flights to Bethel you can hop on for $60-$80. On the show, they had a segment that took place in Bethel.

The show is pretty good and it shows Bush Alaska. So if you want to watch a show about Alaska, check it out.


So that's my week......all in all a good week...well, except for the lice...but even that wasn't all bad.....

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Full Circle

Ten years ago, I left for an adventure teaching in rural Alaska. I stayed for 3 years. I experienced complete isolation, a completely new wa...