Actually, I'm surprised that she was willing to agree that I should even date. She's actually quite against it.
Here are her objections:
1) What if I want to sleep over?
2) You'll be out all the time, going on icky dates.
Basically, she is unwilling to share me.
I was reading Aziz Ansari's book 'Modern Romance' and I was discussing the book with my mother, while my favorite 7 year old was playing with her toys.
To which my niece replied, "And there's nothing wrong with THAT!"
But then I asked, "Well, if I did get a boyfriend, what kind of guy should I get?"
And here is her list & reasonings:
1) He'd have to be funny & like to have fun because I (Auntie Lala) am funny & like to have fun. So that makes sense.
2) He needs to like comic books. And by comic books, she means 'My Little Pony'. Yes, because her daddy likes 'My Little Pony' and once when she was wearing a 'My Little Pony' sweatshirt, a man told her that Rainbow Dash was his favorite. So, since guys like 'My Little Pony', my boyfriend would have to as well.
3) He doesn't have to like 'Doctor Who' because 'Doctor Who' is scary and gives her nightmares. He should like 'Star Wars though', because Auntie Lala likes 'Star Wars'.
4) He should have a job because that's what adults do.
5) He has to like big dogs and cats because of Dakota & Lola.
6) He can't live with his parents because only little kids do that.
7) He has to let her do what she (my niece) wants.
And there you have it. Those are the rules.

I imagine that when I bring a fella home to meet my family, it's not going to be my parents who he'll need to impress though. And since she's declared that she's only willing to share me with Dakota & Lola, good luck with that!*
*She was aware of a gentleman who liked me & asked me out on a date and when she met him, she glared at him when he walked away from us. Like seriously shot daggers at him with her eyes!
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