For the first time the other night, I saw the moon! I was so excited, I grabbed my camera and ran out to take a picture. I hadn't seen the moon since California. It felt like I was seeing an old friend again. I was happy.
Until yesterday. Have you ever had just one of those crappy, ugly days? Well yesterday was one of mine. Everything that could go wrong seemed to go wrong. I was grumpy, my kids were grumpy, I had to redo my progress was just yuck, yuck, yuck....
I was worried that my grumpyness would carry over into today. But I had the best walk this morning. It was 30 degrees this morning and no humidity. I bundled up really well & left the house. I tried to see my breath, but it was too dry for that. The sun was just rising so it looked like twilight. The moon was high in the sky, full and bright. The wind came right up from the north pole. I was warm & cozy and it was freezing outside.
My outfit was something special. My wool socks & hiking boots kept my feet warm. I had forgotten to tuck my pants into my socks, so my legs had a bit of a breeze. I was wearing a tee shirt, a sweat shirt & my jacket. I had a hat, gloves, & a scarf. I was wearing a hood over my hat. It was great!! The only thing I don't like is the wind blows the dirt and it hits you right in the face. I was walking in the wind this morning, but this afternoon I kept getting a mouth full of sand. Not so fun.
My winter coat & boots came in, but they were too small. I thought I sized them out right, but nope. The nice thing is that they got here in 4 days, so I should have a replacement coat pretty soon.
I'll share a funny moment from my day: We came into the gym for an assembly. There was a podium & a mike set up with no one standing there. We were sitting there and suddenly the mic started giving that awful feedback wailing. Everyone covered their ears. But nobody got up to do anything about it. So I jumped up thinking I could just turn off the mic. I was the only one who made a move to do something. I moved the mic & the sound stopped. I got some cheers but then the sound came back. I fixed it the second time. I just think that was funny. I'm used to other people fixing that kind of stuff. I guess so was everyone else....
Since moving here, my social life has really picked up. I have plans every weekend, which is funny. When I lived in the SF Bay Area, I would stay home all the time. Get me into a village and all of a sudden I'm Miss Social....go figure!!!
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