Wow, this last week has been a trip....and actually I had a trip....and tried not to trip.
So this past weekend I went to Bethel to attend a math class. Actually, it was to learn about this curriculum which teaches math based on the Yup'ik Eskimo culture. (I've kinda moved on from the Eskimo part, I just consider them Yup'ik) So there's various modules: berry picking, patterns & parkas, building a fish rack, building a kayak, etc. The modules are age appropriate and totally integrate the math and traditional Yup'ik activities. I mean, how cool is that??? Except, this kass'aq (gus'ock) has no clue about the Yup'ik culture, so I signed up to take the class.
We flew to Bethel on Friday and arrive at a dorm. It was my first time sleeping in a dorm room. I had to share with my roommate. Actually, I really didn't have to share with her, but I had to share with someone and we both felt comfortable sharing a room. After dinner, we went shopping. Which was cool, but it wasn't as exciting as the first time I came to Bethel. Maybe because I really didn't need much.
And let me just say, it's kinda weird for me to run out of something, like ranch dressing and just go to my pantry and grab a bottle. It's kinda cool. I feel so organized. Yay me....
Anywho, the next day was a training day.
Okay, I know this is a blog on the internet, but it's not an anonymous blog...so I have to tread lightly...but there was someone at the event who really could have used a valium. Just saying the girl needed to take the stress level down a notch....or several notches. There....I think you know what I mean. And so does everyone else at the event.
But in all fairness, there was some stress. I realized my greatest fear that I haven't had to confront until I came to Alaska. I mean, I become a total baby. It's sad.
Here it is: the temperature got warmer (low 30's - woohoo!) and it began to rain. I thought, "Oh! The snow will melt!" Yeah, not quite. Some of you may already know this, but I didn't so I'll go ahead and explain. The rain froze the snow, making everything slick ice. Like the slipperiest ice ever.....
And here's the problem: well, I'll explain in a story: One day I got rollerblades. I got on my protective gear and was ready to learn how to rollerblade. I skate out past my driveway to the garbage can. And that's where I froze. I mean, I couldn't move! I was terrified. I'm pretty sure it was of falling, but the fear of death was in there too. I clung onto that garbage can for dear life. And that's when it hit me: I was the girl at the roller rink who couldn't let go of the railing. There was one part of the rink where there was no railing. It was open rink!! So I had to plan my path or I'd have to brave the openness of that rink (on carpet I'm fine. In fact, I would have been perfectly content to skate on a carpeted rink.) So I remember this as I'm clutching the smelly garbage can. And here comes my brother, Ethan, who of course will rescue me like the hero I know my baby brother to be.
"Help Ethan! I'm stuck."
"You skated yourself there, you can skate yourself back."
What? This was not the appropriate response. You can bet when I crawled on all fours off that garbage can back into the house, we had some words!
So you can see my problem here in Alaska. I thought I was smart. I have ice stabilizers for my shoes. They slip over my boots and help you keep your balance on the ice. (See picture) But when you're in Bethel and your ice stabilizers are still in your mudroom in Akiak, they will do you no good!
I don't know if people here know how terrified I am or if I'm just coming off annoying though. I made it around Bethel okay (walked the edge holding on to something). Today after work, I think I really acted like a baby. I had planned on catching a ride home but that plan backfired. So two coworkers and myself were traversing the patches of slick ice (the ground was either mud or ice) when a car started coming down the road. The very road that I was currently in the middle of. Problem!!
I decided I would in no way break my neck rushing across the road. So I decided to stand there and let them pass so I could continue my painfully slow trek across the road. The other members of my party had already made it to the other side and were asking me what was wrong.
Complete with a pout this is what came out of my mouth: "There is a truck coming and I will NOT be rushed!"
Thankfully, they just laughed and the truck stopped to give me a ride home (Thank you my hero!!!). This ice is not bringing out the best in me I'm afraid to say.
Oh! But that's not the only dramatic event for me in Bethel!!! Oh no! Did you know that bush planes don't like to land planes on fields of ice? We barely made a flight that would take us to Akiak....the rest of the people who were from different villages had to stay in Bethel another night. I was very happy to get home. Dorm life just isn't for me, I guess.
Something else happened this weekend that was actually horrible. Two men, two brothers were drinking and got into a fight. And one brother stabbed the other one in the abdomen. Didn't kill him, but sent him to the hospital. Now, this is tragic enough, but the victim happened to be the father of one of my students. And the other brother was someone I know and liked very much. Actually, both men have been very kind and nice to me.
Of course my concern was for my student and his older brother. Mom isn't in the picture and I'm not sure why. So tonight I invited the two boys over my house for dinner. Now, you know I don't cook...but I planned on making spaghetti. And it was a big deal to me to make them dinner. I had spaghetti, corn, and fresh baked bread (alright, it was frozen) ready.
They were late but I had written a note to their grandmother with my phone number in case she wanted to talk to me. I wasn't expecting this.....I answer the phone: "Hello?" "Teacher, what time is it?" "It's 5:00, are you coming for dinner?" "Okay, we're coming."
And I served them my culinary masterpiece....and they only liked the corn. So I made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I liked the spaghetti. It was prego. A coworker stopped by and tasted the sauce. He thinks it might have been too sweet for them. Which would explain why I liked it. But the night wasn't a total bust. They played my Wii Resort and had fun.
And that was the point. I guess......
1 comment:
I absolutely love to read your blogs Lara!! You write with a lot of clarity and emotion and honesty and it's just a delight to read.
I think you made the right decision taking this position; your perspective on life will be changed forever and you have so much more to give your students...wherever you choose to go next!
Keep blogging and Happy Thanksgiving!!
Love, Pat
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