So I guess I didn't make a very strong first impression when I first moved out here:
"We liked you right away, but we didn't think you'd make it past Christmas."
"Yeah, 'She's a city girl.' They told me that about you."
At first, I was a little bit offended. What about me screams city girl? My Prius??? Wait......okay, so then I realized that yeah.....I'm more used to a city environment. Well, this weekend I went to a city.
Anchorage.....and this time, I went just for fun. I didn't have to work and try to cram in my personal stuff. I could spend the whole weekend doing just what I wanted.
And the first thing I wanted to do was shop! My roommate is leaving to another village and is taking with her a couple of things I have to replace. And, I am going to be here during the summer so I needed to stock up on some items. Then I went to the mall for fun. I hate it when you have the money to shop but see nothing that you really want.
But it was still fun to walk around and shop. And go out to eat. I missed the restaurants.
I had rented a car. A light blue Volkswagon Beetle. I bought a map of Anchorage and I was ready.
After the mall, I wanted to drive a bit. I knew there was a road alongside the water where I could take some pretty pictures. I found the road....but sadly, the inbetween stage of winter to spring isn't so pretty. But I ended up driving 30 miles to Girwood, where there's a big fancy ski resort. I guess there's a tram you can take up a mountain to a fancy restaurant AND an animal rescue reserve of native Alaskan would have been nice if I had known that at the time...but it was still nice to see just a bit more of Alaska.
Saturday, I went to the Anchorage Zoo. It also hosts animals native to Alaska. At least that's what the website said. But I know for a fact that tigers are NOT native to these parts. BUT I was finally able to see some animals: wolves, grizzlies, polar bears, black bears, moose, foxes, eagles, caribou, musk ox, wolverine, otters, seals, mountain goats, snow leopard, and a squirrel. And the set up actually brings you close to the one point I was 10 feet away from a black bear...sure, there was a lot of fencing in between but it was pretty wild.
Feeling a connection to wolves, I was hoping to have a special moment with one of them. But it was lunchtime and they had no interest in interacting with me. However, there was a moment with a little musk ox. I had met up with a friend of mine at the zoo. So we walked up to the pen where there was this sad looking baby musk ox. It was shedding and not very pretty. Which is what my zoo friend said. Then we walk a few steps and the musk ox takes a few steps with us. My zoo friend tries to reach over and touch the musk ox. The musk ox moved away but it started following us down the trail which ran the length of it's pen. When we walked, it walked....when we stopped. It would just look at us with a sad forlorn look. I felt kinda bad leaving it behind. I bet it would have followed me home.
I had a nice time at the zoo. And it was nice hanging out with my friend. We parted ways and I decided I wanted Red Robin for lunch. And I had seen one by the mall. No problem! I knew the need to consult the map at all. So I pull out of the zoo in my little rented Bug and I hit the road....and I'm driving.....and I"m driving....totally away from Downtown and actually heading out of Anchorage. I went the wrong way. No problem, I'll just turn on the next major road that intersects I drive...and I drive....still driving when I am now going up the mountain on the outskirts of Anchorage....well, it's too late to turn around....might as well keep driving...I'm bound to hit a major road at some I drive...and drive....and now I'm going down the hill but heading back to Anchorage. Perfect! I am high on a hill and I can see downtown. I'm headed in the right direction now! It's got to be going on 20 minutes of driving at this point, if not a half hour. But I finally come to a major road. And I make a left. This road sounds familiar. I drive....and I drive a bit more....and yep.....there's the zoo again....I'm right back to where I started...
I wish I could tell you that by making the right turn I found exactly the right street. I could tell you that, but I'd be lying. See, it's not my fault...there's a lot of turnabouts and I got lost. I finally had to break out the map. By that time at least I was close to the street I wanted. So after 45 minutes of driving, I found Red Robin.....and it was good!!!
Then I went to the movies. I saw Water for Elephants. I had read the book about a year ago and had been waiting for the movie. It was very good and I thought Robert Patterson was very good. And it wasn't weird for him not to be Edward. It was very well done.
I had a very nice time in Anchorage. It was fun to get out and see more of the city than just the stores I can send a bush order from. And it was nice to drive a car and not rely on taxis.
When I got home, I was in for a shock! A ton of snow had melted! What was once snow as far as the eye could see was now...snow, mud, and giant puddles that actually resemble ponds rather than puddles. I am surrounded by water....I walked to work this morning and had to walk through the middle of the frozen pond. Thank goodness my mud boots are waterproof and come up to just below my knees...that came in handy this morning walking through the calf-high water. I fell once, but that was going over the snow and I just picked myself up and kept going.
The funny thing is that I was finally getting the hang of all the snow. It no longer phased me getting ready and walking around outside....then mother nature throws me a curve ball. Because do you know what's on the bottom of most of these ponds? A layer of ice....and you know how much I love walking on ice. The kids were telling me they canoed around one of the houses...and they say it will flood. I really hope not....fingers crossed on that one!
If there is a flood, I will take my cats and go to the school. I think I may want to start packing up some things I don't need right away...that way if it floods, my things won't be damaged....
Oh! I forgot.....I also discovered what happens when I come across an aggressive dog. The first dog I rescued has been growling at me. Well, I wasn't worried at first but when I was walking up to my friend's house, he really growled at me. My instinct? I held up my finger, looked him in the eye and said "You do NOT growl at me!!" He immediately backed down and seemed surprised....yeah, that's right... who knew I was so daring? Alpha female at your service!
Sigh....Alaska, you are just one adventure after another, aren't you? (You wouldn't want my blog to be boring, though would you?)
Here's the baby musk ox.
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