Sadly, spring is not a very pretty season here.....
The biggest adventure this week has been getting to and from work. It was a struggle. One day coming home from work, I tried a new path that went behind the major ponds around my house. And there was less water, true. But the snow was very slushy and my boots went in just as high as the water in the ponds. I had to work harder on that path than I did walking through the pond.
I got a ride the next morning so I wouldn't be late trying to walk ever so carefully through the ponds. But on the way home, I tried the small lake that was in front of my house. On the bottom of this lake was a sheet of ice. And you know how fond I am of walking on ice. Except now if I fell, I'd get wet all over. Which doesn't appeal to me. So I took it slowly and talked to myself (gotta keep your feet straight so you don't topple to the side....), telling myself I was doing great and I was almost there....taking it a step at a time....when my neighbor sticks his head out & tells me he wishes he had a video camera cause boy! I sure do walk funny!
So I threw in the towel. I give up trying to walk in this mess. Mother Nature - you win! So for the next couple of days, I got a ride to and from work. And life was fine. The ponds started getting smaller and the road was drying out. But I was no fool, the lake in front of my house was still there....
Earlier that day, I took my kids outside for recess. The kids were playing and having a great time. However, there was a pond by the basketball court. One of my boys and I were looking at it, when he says "It's deep." I agreed with him when one of my girls (my no-nonsense girls) shouts, "It's not deep! Watch I'll show you!" and she proceeds to stomp out to the middle of the pond and says while standing in calf-high water, "See? I told you!!!"
And the thought started gnawing at me that maybe I was being a little silly.....
And then my principal left the village with the set of car keys. Everyone had to walk. Hmmmmmm......
So I walked home. It was raining, but the road was no problem, but now it was time for the ponds....granted, it was now broken into two smaller lakes...but still pretty daunting in my book. But as I started my trek, it was just mud. Mud, mud, but the ice had melted. It wasn't bad at all! I could totally do this. I had made it past the first pond! Now, the second one should be a breeze!
And that's when a VPO (village police officer) drove by on a four-wheeler and asked me if I'd like a ride. Which I totally took....
Okay, so it was still a moral victory.....
But the next morning, I did walk through the ponds. Both of them. But the coolest thing, was there was a thin sheet of ice over the top of the ponds, so I had to break the ice to walk. I stomped, I shuffled....and all around me I could hear the ice cracking as I walked through it. The water wasn't very deep at all and it was a lot of fun.
But pretty? No, it's just shades of brown out there now.....but I think I can handle this mud stuff!
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