Well, I've spent two months here in the bush. On Saturday I was able to go to Bethel and I had yummy pizza and went shopping in an actual grocery store!!! It was awesome...freezing but awesome!! The boat ride was a lot of fun. We laughed and told funny stories. I spent quite a bit of money but I really didn't buy anything extravagant, just food. But food out here is very expensive.
There was one point where I was a little worried. They were pushing the boat into the water and told us (my roomie & I) to go ahead and hop on. Not everybody was on yet, in fact we were still missing the "captain". So Mr. O goes to start the boat and nothing happens. Apparently, we were having some issues with the battery. The captain comes down to the riverbank to find her boat drifting off. Mr O is scrambling, trying to fix the issue. And I notice the boat getting further and further away from the shore. Oh, we were heading to Bethel all right...considering Bethel is down river!! But after a few minutes, Mr O starts the boat and we were off!
Coming back was kind of exciting too. Only because we had load the boat down with so many groceries. I alone had 3 boxes & 2 bags.....(for those of you calculating that was about $450 - at least this time I didn't have to pay for shipping!!) Anyways, the boat was riding really low in the water. I was a little nervous. I mean we had the boat totally loaded down!!! But we made it, safe & sound!!
I've also learned that they don't have fiddles at the "fiddling"....they used to but they don't anymore. But they still call it a fiddling. Okay.....
I've been meaning to post sooner, but I was kinda grumpy with my heater broken (again) and it being so hot in my room. I figured no one wants to read a grumpy post. Okay, I kinda like to go back and read what I wrote when I was in a bad mood, but I may be the only one....
I haven't really mentioned my other project I'm working on.....I was lying in bed one night pondering the 30 Day Shred by Jillian Micheal's. She claims that in 30 days, you can totally change your body. And I was wondering if that was true. So I decided to try her workout 3x a week for 30 days...I'm sure that you would have to do her workout everyday to get the results that she claims. But I figure 3 times a week should be more than adequate. So I'm on day 22...the only day I didn't do it according to the plan was the day I went to Bethel. I figured the mile long trek & unloading the heavy boxes off the boat counted as a real life work out. And yes, my pants are baggy but I also started hanging those to dry....so it could be that too. I took my measurements at the beginning so I'll compare them to the end results. But I figured why not give it a try....I've got the time, right?
Life isn't feeling like a huge adventure anymore. Sure, I have to carry a flashlight to walk through the dark woods on my walk to work and I walked under the stars at 8 a.m., but it's not scary. I'm out having fun but I'm not scared. There were two moose walking down the road the night of the fiddling...or so I hear tell. I still have yet to see any. But just to be on the safe side, I'll carry my flashlight.
My house is being lifted...right as I type this actually. Doors are becoming a bit of a problem....my front door won't shut all the way....but I'm really going to like being out of the flood water level. But it's kinda weird hearing people under the house & then all of a sudden the house moves up a half inch. It's a bit bizarre. That's pretty funny. Just wait until I do some jumping jacks & they think the house is going to fall on them!!
This whole experience is so surreal at times. Sometimes I have to remind myself that my experiences are weird. Stop your class because the health people are here to check for lice or give TB tests...I approve of these tests so it doesn't seem like a hardship but there's no notice or head's up really. My lesson plans change at the drop of a hat. Nothing happens according to the plan here. Assemblies, fire drills, etc.....you know they're coming, but you're not sure when. If you can't roll with the punches, you won't last out here. And actually, I like schedules...I like plans, they make me feel better....but I wanted to do something crazy and out there and I boy, did I deliver! I am liking it though. I feel more laid back....class interruption? Whatever......I'll have to finish this another day? Fine....None of my kids have lice? Sweet......You have to check my hair? Ummmmmm.....okay......
I didn't have lice either. :)
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