I've been trying to reflect on what it's like being a teacher 24/7. My social events are with co-workers and are almost always at the school. I live with my co-worker. My students come to my house to visit me and say hi. I was lying in bed this morning (sleeping in) when one of my students started shouting my name under my window. She just wanted to say hi.
If I had a boyfriend, the whole village would know it. There's no such thing as a private life here.
And the funny thing is, I don't really mind it. It should bother me, always being "on duty" and never having my own life. But honestly, I really didn't have my own life in California anyways. My private life was totally stagnant. People would ask me what was new and aside from what was happening in my classroom, there was never much to tell.
Now, there's no private life to speak of, but my teacher life is completely full.
I had some students over today to bake some cookies. I have a feeling I'll have more visitors next weekend. On Thursday we had Family Math Night. There were over 60 kids & parents at our school playing math games. I had a pattern block table and the kids were really having a great time.
I had to come into work yesterday to get report cards ready. I mostly chitchatted with my coworkers....whoops. So I'm going back today.
My alone time is filled with books, movies, and my music. I don't spend much time on the phone, but I have the internet and facebook to catch up with my friends.
I spent so much time in California thinking there was something wrong with me for not having a private life. So there's a strange sense of contentment in my new life. I'm no longer an unmarried "loser" without a boyfriend. I'm now a teacher living in a remote village with my two cats.
Maybe it should bother me, always being Miss Ruark and never just Lara. But now it seems Miss Ruark is blended more with just Lara. I guess it's like Superman is always Superman, even when he's hiding his identity in Clark Kent.
Besides, the kids call me different things: Miss Ruark, Miss Lara, Miss Lara Ruark, Ruark, and when they really want my attention: R-U-A-R-K!!!! Yeah, I have a student who calls me by spelling my last name. And of course some call me Teacher.
When I think about it....I don't want to be just Lara anyways.....I like being something more.....
Great blog Lara, super insightful. I'm impressed. (for the record, I was always impressed, but even more impressed now.)
Love reading your posts! Such an adventure..and you're getting to find yourself, so lucky! :)
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